Artsen voor Kinderen


Pagina: 8/14

Predictors of health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from a Web-based survey.Haverman L, Grootenhuis MA, van den Berg JM, van Veenendaal M, Dolman KM, Swart JF, Kuijpers TW, van Rossum MA.Dr. Lotte Haverman2012
Development and validation of the distress thermometer for parents of a chronically ill child.Haverman L, van Oers HA, Limperg PF, Houtzager BA, Huisman J, Darlington AS, Maurice-Stam H, Grootenhuis MA.Dr. Lotte Haverman2013
Health-related quality of life and psychosocial developmental trajectory in young female beneficiaries with JIA.Haverman L, Verhoof EJ, Maurice-Stam H, Heymans HS, Gerlag DM, van Rossum MA, Grootenhuis MA.Dr. Lotte Haverman2012
Paediatric illness! Family matters.Grootenhuis & BronnerProf dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Predicting health-related quality of life of parents of children with inherited metabolic diseases.Hatzmann et alProf dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Quality of life questionnaires for children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors: a review of the development of available measures.Klassen AF, Strohm SJ, Maurice-Stam H, Grootenhuis MA.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Remarkable differences: the course of life of young adults with galactosaemia and PKUBosch AM, Maurice-Stam H, Wijburg FA, Grootenhuis MA.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2009
Prevalence and associated clinical characteristics of behavior problems in constipated children.van Dijk M, Benninga MA, Grootenhuis MA, Last BF.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2010
Pediatric psycho-oncology comes of age:SIOP 2010Patenaude e.a.Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2011
Psychosocial developmental milestones in men with classicGubbels CS, Maurice-Stam H, Berry GT, Bosch AM, Waisbren S, Rubio-Gozalbo ME,Prof dr Martha Grootenhuis2011
Parents of PKU children: effect on HRQoLten Hoedt AE et alProf dr Martha Grootenhuis2011
Applying Dutch and US versions of the BSID-II in Dutch children born preterm leads to different outcomesDrs. Bianca Gorter-Overdiek